This website and it’s infrastructure, content (text and graphics), optimization, and in some cases the domain are provided with a RTU, Right to Use as a service, to the subscriber while the holder or user of this domain is a current, active subscriber of The Contractors Coalition program in good standing. The Website, it’s content, and it’s optimization are fully owned and managed by The Contractors Coalition and are in no way owned, and in no way can be used or utilized, in their entirety or in part, by anyone, including this person, company or organization, unless they have prior written consent by The Contractors Coalition specifically, and are a subscriber in good standing. The Contractors Coalition is the sole owner of these copyrighted materials and are being provided under a monthly subscription service for their use. Under no circumstances may the above be copied, duplicated, plagiarized, or parted out in an attempt to rebuild these services by the company or a third-party representative thereof.
All client provided data are owned in its entirety by the company and are not the property of The Contractors Coalition and Will not be used in any way other than to promote the company’s products and services.
If you need to understand what rights the company or it’s representatives have to this domain, or any of the content contained herein, you can request specific information by emailing the legal department below.
Utilizing any domain or content herein prior to confirming whether you have, or the client denoted on this website has a right to use it, will constitute irreparable harm and by using any copyrighted works, or any coalition owned website or domain unlawfully will constitute legal action and immediate demand for payment equal to losses incurred, including harming of The Contractors Coalition Brand and the value it brings to it’s subscription base.
For any questions, please contact